Why Kisumu demonstrators are the most deadly in the world

By Comrade Oyaro K’Oyaro.

Kisumu demonstrations will remain forever the best in Kenya.

One thing I’ve come to learn about kisumu demos is the organisation Kisumu people can engage the police in a total of 36 hours of running battles under the intense spread of Tear gas and bullets.They fight in battalions,one group opens the parade and leaves for the next whose main purpose is to provoke the police.Once they are done, the 3rd group (Abarafire) Come to engage.
They are the most sophisticated beings on earth.Moraly unshakable, Fearless and courageous. They are the stone mafias.Even the Anti-riots police fear them.

This is the group that has mastered all the Slum panya routes and the police dare not reach where they are.In this group you will never miss the BUCKET MAN whose main purpose is to contain teargas canisters. Once the police fires the canisters,the bucket man will run and cover the teargas canister,stand on top of the bucket while shouting TIBIM.He is the engine of the group. The most safeguarded enigma of the moment , once they are done,the fourth group comes in,The
fagilia branch.Their work is to sweep anything they find left unused.This is the group that rides on police landcruisers,Chase the police to where they belong and ensure safety of all the platoons.
It comprises of 45% hardcore ladies and men.

By Comrade Oyaro K’Oyaro.


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