IF YOU MISSED; Video of Rogue Businessman Abdul Rahim Yusuf accused of beating a 10 month old toddler, brandshing pistol in public emerges, DCI urged to act

A video of Businessman Abdul Rahim Yusuf publicly brandshining a pistol as he threaten a Kenyan Citizen has emerged online.

This has been shared to our investigative team by his close male friend who failed to understand that we were on an investigative mission.

Yusuf was charged last week with beating up a 10 months old toddler

He has also been linked to giving threats to a certain woman, a young mother who feels that her life is in danger.

The accused person was

charged before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Monica Maroro where he denied the charges.

The accused person is said to have committed the offence on October 14,2022 in Parklands Westlands Sub-County within Nairobi County.

In court Court Prosecutor Denis Muindi objected the accused person from being released on bond on that he was in a position to temper with the witness.
” We object the accused person release on bond because he has been threatening witnesses, he is in a position to temper with witness and a minor is involved,” said Muindi

The magistrate directed that the accused person be detained and a probation report be filed in court for consideration before he can be released on bond or not