Baby Sagini says grandma gouged out his eyes

Baby Brighton Junior Sagini Friday put her grandmother Rael Nyakerario, 84 at the scene of her tourture and subsequent gouging out of his eyes.

In a pre-recorded video, the baby, through a child expert told the court the grandmother orchestrated the removal of his eyes before dumping him in the nearby maize farm.

Nyakerario is among other suspects, Alex Ochogo and Pacificah Nyakerario who facing assault charges at the Kisii law courts.

They are appearing before Magistrate before Senior Resident Magistrate Christine Ogweno.

During the cross examination Friday said Sagini the defendant removed his eyes with her bare her hands before being taken into the maize farm where he was found and dumped there.

On the material day, Sagini said he had been sent to fetch water only to be waylaid by the assailant who gouged out his eyes.

He was rushed to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital after primary medical attention at Marani Sub-County Hospital.

Daniel Nyameino, a Clinician at the facility said he found Sagini’s eyes leaking an ointment when he was brought in .

The baby had scratch marks on her right eyes showing signs of struggle as the assailant gouged out the eyes.

He bandaged the gaping the sockets.

Nyameino further told the court the injuries was as a result of sharp object.

The case will proceed on March 17 and final hearing on March 24.


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