City Fraudsters Douglas Macharia Maina, Dominic Kimotho, Enan Njuguna Mweha and Lewis Musau Masaku chargef with Sh 13M Fraud

Four petroleum dealers have been charged with stealing diesel valued at Sh13.5 million.

Douglas Macharia Maina, Dominic Kimotho, Enan Njuguna Mweha and Lewis Musau Masaku were arraigned before Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied the charges of conspiracy to commit a felony.

The accused persons allegedly committed the offence on diverse dates between 23rd November and 20th December 2023, in Nairobi, jointly with others not before court.

The charge sheet stated that they conspired to steal 70,000 liters of diesel worth Sh13.5 million, belonging to Petrocity Energy (K) Ltd.

Maina was further charged with dishonestly retaining 30,000 liters of diesel worth Sh5.8 million, well aware that it was stolen.

The product was found at 360 Energy Komarock Petrol station in Nairobi.

The court ordered them to deposit bond of Sh 2 million each or an alternative cash bail of Sh500,000, to secure their release.