Claims from milimani small that adjudicator Hon.J.W munene raids former law firm

A shocking video has surfaced online showing a female judiciary officer raiding a law firm office in Nairobi and attempting to take away furniture and equipment that she claimed belonged to her.

The officer, identified as Hon. J.W Munene, is an adjudicator of the Milimani Small Claims Court.

She was confronted by her former colleagues who tried to stop her from vandalising the office.

The incident occurred on Monday, September 11, 2023, and has sparked outrage and criticism from the public and the legal fraternity.

According to Hon. Munene, she used to operate Wangeci Munene and Co Advocates since 2006 when she set up the law firm with other partners.

She claimed that she had not been paid for her share of the property and assets of the firm and that she had come to reclaim them.

Hon. J.W Munene said that she had no fear of facing any disciplinary action from the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) for her conduct.