College staffer, pharmacist arraigned for amorous church deacon murder in Kisii

College staffer, Cyprian Karuri and his elderly lover, Pauline Moraa were Tuesday arraigned at the Kisii Law Courts for the murder on Easter weekend. of an amorous church deacon

The two would, however be r re-arraigned for plea taking on Friday 14th after police requested more time to carry out further investigations. .

Prosecution had early requested for 14 days for their detention.

They suspects are court for the slaughter of k one Tomson Ndege,a deputy school principal at Mecheo. Secondary in a crime of passion.

Ndege was also a deacon at Gekomu Seventh Day Adventist Church in Kisii town.

He was stabbed to death Sunday night moments after he and Moraa had emerged from a lodging at a bar in Kitutu Chache South.

The suspects were arraigned before court magistrate Wa Kugwa Wahinya.

Investigative officer Wickliffe Mburu, argued that it was for the suspects’ safety’ that they be detained at Nyanchwa Police Station as further investigations continue. .

Karuri, 36, is cited the first suspect in the murder.

He works as a driver at Elgon View College in Kisii while Moraa, 48 , is a pharmacist at Marani Sub hospital.

Police picked Karuri from a hideout in Mwembe hours after allegedly committing the felony.

Moraa who was arrested at the scene where the stabbing took place led police to the hideout .

Her lawyer Humphray Mageto, had opposed the application to detain his client for 14 days saying being a civil servant she would not pose a flight risk.

The case continues.

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