Don’t be-little us ahead of talks , Raila warns Ruto

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has accused President William Ruto of looking down upon the Opposition and thereby jeopardizing bi-partisan talks between the government and his team.

Raila said the Opposition is ready for talks but Ruto’s team must “come with a clean heart” to the negotiation table.

“We have said we are ready for talks but come with a clean heart. Don’t come looking down upon us. If you come like that, we will also look down upon you,” he stated.

Speaking at St Stephens ACK, Jogoo Road, Raila said it was up to Ruto to decide if he wants the talks to succeed.

Ruto has accused Raila of being unfair in his push for issues raised by the Opposition.

Speaking in Narok on Saturday, the President said Raila was unfair for calling for demonstrations which led to deaths and the destruction of property.

But on Sunday, Raila said it has always been the hope of the Opposition that the demonstrations are peaceful.

“We are not mad people who want to see bloodshed in the country. We also have children, women, and the elderly,” he stated.

“We are interested to see peace. We do not want to see chaos. We are enemies of chaos. Some leaders are accusing us of plotting to destroy properties, which is not true,” he added.

The Azimio leader said the people who are making Opposition demonstrations chaotic are the police.

“They are the people who come with tear gas, water cannons, and guns. They are the people bringing destruction,” he added.

He maintained that demonstrations do not mean chaos adding that people go to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with current situations.

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