Exclusive; Forgive me! I know I was hard on you, Ruto tells Kihika

President William Ruto has opened up on how he toughened up Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika ahead of the August 2022 elections.

Speaking at Safari Park on Thursday, Ruto said that he had to take Kihika through some classes as they were campaigning for general elections.

During the pre-election, the President narrated how he was concerned with Kihika’s persuasion of voters.

“I know at times when I speak to leaders who are in my corner I go beyond mentorship and have to tell them some really hard facts. I remember at one time I called Susan and told her I’m listening to you and you are not persuasive,” Ruto said.

He went further and highlighted that he told Kihika to rehearse the speech before hitting the grounds.

“I told her don’t leave home before you know what you are going to say in a political rally. Even if it means you have to cram three things,” Ruto added.

Moving the audience to laughter, the Head of State apologised to Kihika saying that he knew he was hard on her.

“I had to take this girl through hard lessons because I wanted her to succeed. Forgive me Susan I was hard on you,” Ruto added.