EXCLUSIVE: Meet Vivian Wanza Kisoso, a JKIA employee alledgly linked to car theft case

An Employee attached to Kenyatta International Airport has been alledgly linked in Nairobi to a  car theft Saga as detectives continue with their investigations.

Vivian Wanza Kisoso went to the DCI radar  after detectives from Kilimanj police station trailed her for sometimes after learning of her involvement  car theft drama.

Detectives who are aware of the matter and who spoke to our investigation Journalist said that Wanza was arrested in June at Upper Hill in Nairobi and all along they have been conducting some investigations.

“Our detectives after getting some tip of that the said car had been stolen launched serious investigations and arrested the suspect in upper hill Nairobi, they asked her to show her licence but she did’nt do that,” said the detective.

Wanza was released on a in cash of 10k and she will be charged later this month

More to follow……