The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Council for Law Reporting has denied claims that the acting CEO of the Council for Legal Education Jennifer Gitiri sits on its board.

In an affidavit filed in court, NCLR CEO Prof Jack Mwimali denied the claims made by Dr Magare Gikenyi that Gitiri was the alternate to the Attorney General at the corporation.

Witness Protection Advisory Board, another agency, also denied the claims by Gikenyi saying the official has never been a member of its board or ever attended any of its meetings.

Gikenyi said Gitiri has been drawing salaries and allowances from the exchequer by holding several public office jobs.

He claimed that Gitiri sits on the boards of the National Council for Law Reporting (NCLR), Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and Witness Protection Agency, as the alternate to the Attorney General.

“That I confirm that Jennifer Gitiri has never attended any meeting of the Victim Protection Advisory Board and is not a member of the Board in either her own or representative capacity,” Jedidah Waruhiu, the CEO said.

But at the same time, Public Service Commission (PSC) said it has written to the Attorney General Justin Muturi over the claims and if the allegations are true, then it is irregular.

The PSC said a public officer cannot possibly deliver efficiently and effectively in the substantive roles in a public body while at the same time serving in more than two boards.

“For this reason, if it is true that the 1st respondent (Gitiri) is representing the Attorney General on the Board of more than two state corporations, then the same is an irregularity that needs to be corrected,” said PSC CEO Simon Rotich.

The Nakuru-based doctor claimed that Gitiri, who was seconded to Assets Recovery Agency (ARA), sits on several boards as the alternate to the Attorney General.

Gikenyi said it is inconceivable and smacks of favouritism and cryonism for the Attorney General to appoint Gitiri to sit on different public boards as his representative while still holding four other substantive public appointments as a full time employee of the ARA and CLE.

He further said for one to qualify to sit on a board of directors as a representative of the Attorney General, the person must be in active and direct employment of the state law office.

He argued that Gitiri does not qualify to sit on even a single board of directors as she is a full time employee of the ARA.
Gikenyi further stated that Gitiri does not have the qualifications to hold the substantive position of the CEO and secretary of CLE because she does not have a PhD in law and joined the bar in 2011 and therefore does not have 15 years set by the PSC.

Asset Recovery Agency Chief Executive Officer Jennifer Gitiri has supported application seeking to expunge her from proceedings claiming she holds eight positions as agencies defends her.

In her supporting affidavit, Gitiri says Dr. Magari-Gikenyi is not seeking any relief against her either in the interlocutory motion or the substantive petition.

“I have no personal interest in thr matter to warrant my participation in the same,” says Gitiri.

National Council for Law Reporting(NCLP) Chief Executive Officer Prof. Jack Mwimali says there is no public entity called Kenya Law Reporting Council. He adds that NCLP is a semi-autonomous state corporation established under the NCLP.