Exclusive: Woman who threatened to kill his landlord in Kawangware charged with threatening to kill, creating disturbances

A Woman who went viral on social media for alledgly threatening to kill her landloard who came at her house to address the issue of theft within the apartment has been charged at the Kibera Court.


Ann Muthoni Maina was charged before Chief Magistrate Ann Mwangi where she denied the charges.
The court heard that she threatened to kill Olav Stryn Kala Jorgensen, by utering that ,” I will get my gun and blow your brains out, I will kill your, bring my gun,” to the said complainant contrary to the law.

She committed the offence on February 17 at Kawangware Legacy Apartment area in Dagoreti within Nairobi County.

She was also charged with the offence of creating disturbances contrary to the law.
The woman had raised an issue of theft within the apartment where her clothes had been stolen.

She then requested one of her child to inquire on the same from the landlord.
Upon Reviewing CCTV footages within the apartment, no was spotted committing the offence.

She went to inform the accused person on the same which led to altercations.

She denied the charges and was released on Sh 200,000 cash bail with an alternative bond of Sh 300,000.

The case will be mentioned on February 26