EXPOSED:Kiambu Road Tycoons in a Titanic Legal Duel for Malicious Prosecution.

Prominent City Lawyer Mwenda Njagi Advocate has drawn a demand letter notifying events tycoon
Mr. Maina Wandere of Wanderjoy Party World Ltd, The Attorney General, The Director of Public
Prosecution and Nairobi City County [interested party] of his client; famous Kiambu Road business
magnet and veteran founding Democratic Party politician Mr. Kamau Ruhangi of his intent to file a Malicious Prosecution Suit aganist
the said parties.
In the demand notice, Mr. Ruhangi accuses the complaint Wanderjoy Party World of misuse of power, abuse of due process and perverting the Police to settle personal business scores!
Mr. Ruhangi through his Counsel alleges Mr. Maina Wandere caused his arrest, detention and charging at Milimani Law Courts before Hon. Mutuku (CM), for the offence of malicious damage to property.
During the criminal hearing the defence counsel Mwenda Njagi Advocate demonstrated the suit property was Mr.Ruhangis’ and the alleged destroyed fence was actually developed and owned by the accused.
After a protracted lengthy, expensive and mind anguishing trial Mr. Ruhangi was acquitted by the criminal court.
The chicken have come home to roost! Mr. Ruhangi is now after Mr. Wandere for maliciously prosecuting him!
It is alleged Mr. Ruhangi had initially lodged a compliant aganist Mr. Wandere at DCI Pangani; sadly the Investigating Officer [I.O] who had conduct of the file was unceremoniously transferred by the former DCI boss Amb.Ndegwa Muhoro.
The file was thereafter, placed under lock and key at the former DCI boss safe!
Mr. Ruhangi was quickly charged for malicious destruction to property yet he was the initial complainant aganist Mr. Wandere for offence of trespassing and conversion on his Ridgeways’ 2 acres prime land worth Kshs 1 Billion Only.
Mr. Ruhangi in relentless pursuit of justice filed a complaint aganist Wanderjoy Party World Ltd and Nairobi City County (NCC) at National Land Commission (NLC) via Mwenda Njagi Advocates.
During the NLC hearings Wanderjoy Party World Ltd via P.M Kamaara Advocates alleged they had a 25 years Temporary Occupational License (T.O.L) issued by former Governor Evans Kidero as their claim to the suit land.
Mr. Ruhangi produced his Title on suit land, and exhibited the land is charged at Paramount Bank to a tune of Ksh 65 Million Only.
NLC in its ruling stated the (T.o.L) is illegal as NCC cannot issue a lease on a private property. You cannot issue a lease on a property you do not own!
NCC was ordered to cancel the T.o.L, evict Wanderjoy Party World Ltd and grant Mr. Ruhangi vacant possession.
To date, the NLC ruling has never been acted upon due to the influence of the State House events organiser. Indeed he runs a hotel within DCI Headquarters Offices which shows the deep connections Wanderjoy Party World Ltd yields!

Mr. Ruhangi subsequently moved to Milimani High Court Environment and Land Division via his no-nonse Mwenda Njagi Advocate seeking enforcement of the NLC ruling and other prayers.
It was after this ELC Case, Mr. Ruhangi was quickly charged in a criminal court to arm-twist him to drop his recovery of the land cases. Hopefully the Kenya Kwanza administration will correct this past land injustice and many other public interest land cases!

We will keep you posted as this landmark case is heard and determined in court.