Fraudster Hassan Ibrahim Issak badly exposed in South C land scam, woman cries foul

Hassan Ibrahim Issak the Managing Director of Esteem Energy Ltd has been accused of forging documents and grabbing a piece of land in South B, Nairobi belonging to Lucy Gathoni Wachira the proprietor of Eveready Security Guards Company Ltd. The claims have been made by Boniface Mwangi, a renowned activist.

Mwangi further claims that Hassan has conspired with police and judiciary officials in the alleged wider scheme to grab the piece of land from the widow.

In an investigative documentary he posted, Lucy says she bought the piece of land in September 1997 and has been running her company since then until September 5, 2022 when goons accompanied with policemen stormed into her premise with forged land titles but with a legitimate eviction court order claiming ownership of her land which she holds a legitimate title deed on

The Court Order is annexec: as LW2 had been issued by Hon. Edgar Kagoni of the Milimani Commercial Court.

“How Edgar Kagoni is still presiding over cases beats logic. Hassan Issak filed forged title documents before Kagoni’s court. He gave a ruling in less than two weeks without hearing both parties.” Questioned Mwangi.

They were forcefully evicted within a few hours of the raid.

She has since then been pursuing the reclamation of the land but efforts have been frustrated. Mwangi is pointing fingers at the prosecution office for protecting Issak