Fraudsters Sheilesh Kumar Rai, Ranjeeta Pandey Rai, Isaac Ikua Kihara, Chris Oyunge Ontita linked to multi-million fraud, money laundering detained for two days

Four traders have been charged with conspiracy to defraud a supplier of over Sh116 Million.

Sheilesh Kumar Rai, Ranjeeta Pandey Rai, Isaac Ikua Kihara, Chris Oyunge Ontita and Rosalia Blooms Limited appeared before Milimani Principal Magistrate Eunice and denied the charges.



The four are accused of conspiring to defraud M/S Heritage Flowers Ltd of approximately Sh116,737,055, an offence they allegedly committed between September 2021 and August 2022 in Nairobi County.

Kumar, who is also a director of Heritage Flowers Ltd, was accused of stealing Sh106 million from the company between September 2021 and August 2022, by virtue of the said employment.

Kumar, Pandey and Rosalia Blooms Ltd were further accused of laundering over Sh 106 million into Diamond Trust Bank, which they allegedly stole from Heritage Flowers Ltd, well aware that they were proceeds of crime.



The accused are also charged with other counts of forging different documents at different times including Minutes of the Operation Meeting management team, commission agreement, a loan agreement between Rosalia Blooms Ltd and Kumar, Minutes of Virtual Meeting and a trust deed purpoting each to be genuine and signed.

They were detained for 2 days pending the hearing of a bail application