High Court declines to stop Kiptum’s burial following application by woman who claims to have child with the runner

The High Court in Eldoret has declined to stop the burial of World Marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum following an application by a 22 year old woman who claims to have sired a child with the runner.

Justice Wananda declined to stop the burial following the application by Edna Owuor through her lawyer Joseph Oyaro.

She claims that they have a 1year and 7 month child whose rights may be violated if the burial is not stopped.

Owuor appeared at the High Court with the child seeking to stop the burial set for tommorrow arguing that they had not involved her in burial arrangements

She also wanted DNA samples taken from the body to confirm paternity.

Wananda said the burial arrangements had gone on for some time with heavy costs involved and it would be unfair to stop the interment.

More to follow.