How businessman cum Fraudster Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji is a dangerous man to deal with, Kenyans be adviced

Even after he was charged with fraud Mr. Mayez Sadrubin Bhanji continue to be rude and disrespectful to everyone including the magistrate.

This comes after the accused person threatened a witness who was testifying in court against him by showing her fingers and vowing to assault her.

” Get out the court and go out, you lack respect, court orderlies get that man out,” the magistrate directed after his behaviors.

The case proceeded in his absence.

He is now staring at some years in jail if the court found him guilty of the offense as charged and proceeds to convict him.

He is said to have defrauded the complainant Sh607,500 that was intended for an for an elderly medical insurance policy.

The charge sheet says that the accused person stole the aforementioned sum from Nadia Farouk Chaudhry contrary to the law.

Ironically, the accused person continues to deny the charges even as the court advices him to settle the matter out of the court.

The accused person is currently out on a cash bail of Sh150,000.

He stole the said amount from the complainant on diverse dates between November 15, 2016 and April 25, 2017 at Mpaka House in Westlands within Nairobi County where he is said to be an agent of the complainant in the case.

The amount had been received from Allianz Worldwide Care and was to be remitted to the complainant in the case.

While testifying in court to put the records straight, Nadia Farok Chaudry told magistrate Renee that she recall receiving a renewal police from Bhanji and associates for her Dad’s medical cover which was covered internally under Allianz World Wide care.

The renewal was for the period between September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017.

She told the court that at one point she took her father for a medical checkup to a city hospital and it was confirmed to her that the documents were not valid.

“At one point on June 2, 2017 I took my father to hospital for a medical condition and the hospital informed us that the cover was not valid. I called him on the same and he assured me that cover was still valid and I should proceed back to the hospital and see specific people,” she told the court.

She later wrote directly to Allianz World Wild wide and requested for an update of her father’s policy and Allianz responded and informed her that her father’s police had not been active since 2016.

She reported the matter and the accused person was arrested and arraigned in court and charged with the offences.

According to our investigations more cases involving the accused person will be filed in court in the coming days.

The case will proceed in October 12