How Nairobi Woman Got Presidential Appointment Without Degree

  • How Mathare Woman Without Degree Got Presidential

  • Appointment How Woman from Mathare Impressed President and Landed Top Job

Many people feel worthless or inferior when they are surrounded by those with higher academic qualifications. This is a common phenomenon in the world, where degree holders often look down on those who have less education. They act as if they own the world.
But this is not the case for Nduta, a Kenyan woman who was born and raised in Mathare, one of the largest slums in Nairobi. She did not have a degree, but she managed to get a prestigious appointment from the president. How did she achieve this?
At 27 years old, Nduta had never been to a university or any other tertiary institution. This was not her choice. She had performed well in high school, but her parents were too poor to pay for her further education.

Missed scholarship

She missed a government scholarship by a whisker in her KCSE exams. This was devastating for her. It seemed like the end of her dreams.
But Nduta did not give up. She became street-smart and learned various skills such as sewing, welding,fixing engines, and some ICT skills. She also joined local youth advocacy groups in Mathare and took part in leadership activities.
She was happy, smart, and well-informed, but she was always overlooked when it came to opportunities.
“They only favoured those with degrees and diplomas, yet I was more intelligent than most of them. Even
when it came to speeches, they would not let me speak when government officials or sponsors visited, even though I had the potential,” she complained.
This broke her heart, as it denied her many chances that could have transformed her life.
Earlier this year, a youth conference was held at KICC and she almost missed an opportunity to speak.
She was supposed to attend and just listen. But she was eager to address the leaders in the youth summit.
As luck would have it, one of the speakers from her group fell sick. She was the only available alternative to fill the gap. This was her moment to shine. She prepared well and when the day came, she gave a powerful speech that impressed the local and international audience.

Audience from the president

The president also heard her speech, although he was not present. He was intrigued and invited her to State House for a cup of tea.
They exchanged ideas and the president appointed her to the youth council, where she now serves as one of the commissioners.
When her name was published, her family was overjoyed, but all she could do was smile and look at a good luck pendant she had received from Mugwenu Doctors, whom she had learned about and seen on the news.

Before the summit, she had visited Mugwenu Doctors after calling them on +254740637248 in search of luck, as she always wondered why the good things in life always escaped her.
She was given a good luck charm that caught the attention of the president, and the herbalist cast a spell that removed the spirit of stagnation and poverty that was haunting her life.

Jobless man appointed by president in housing program

Nduta is not the only person who has been helped by Mugwenu Doctors. A young man from Uasin Gishu,who had attractive papers from the UK but had no luck in the employment space, had something to smile about.
After years of languishing in poverty and herding his cows in the village, his father reached out to Mugwenu Doctors, and he landed a presidential appointment in the affordable housing program.

Relief for KDF soldier fired unceremoniously

As if that is not enough, just recently, Mugwenu Doctors came through for a KDF soldier who was fired on false claims.
Mukhwana had been discharged from the force for allegedly sleeping with his boss’s wife.
However, after Mugwenu Doctors intervened, the president directed the reinvestigation of his case, and he was pronounced to be innocent.
The officers who connived to send him home were punished.

Mugwenu help Woman who refused to sleep with boss

The herbalists also helped restore the job of the woman, who refused to sleep with her boss. You can find
her story here.
Other charms from Mugwenu Doctors
 Spells to get jobs after being fired
 Herbs for losing weight
 Magic rings
 Money bags
 Business spells
 Pregnancy and fertility spells
 Love spells
 Spells to win bets and lotteries
 Spells to destroy evil eye and black magic
Find other spells here.

How to contact Mugwenu Doctors.
Please don’t suffer in silence. Don’t let the dreams of your career remain distant forever. Contact Mugwenu Doctors today and get the miracle and help that you deserve today.
Mobile number: +254740637248