Former Employee Speaks Up On Harassment At Lavington Five Roads Association

Charity Shiunza Geoffrey, a former assistant administrator at Lavington Five Roads Association, has come forward to share her travesty of harassment and unpaid dues at her previous workplace.

Writing to this blog on Wednesday 5 Apr 2023, Ms. Shiunza, who worked at the association for over a year and almost three months, revealed that she faced unbearable working conditions and harassment from her immediate boss, Jaquiline Wanjiru Karanja.

Despite reporting the harassment to the association’s chairperson, Mr. Ndirangu Maina, no action was taken.

A brief meeting was held in response to Ms. Shiunza’s complaints, but she was forced to apologize to her boss for what was termed as “abusive language” in an email expressing her concerns.

The harassment continued, and in February of this year, Ms. Geoffrey was asked to attend a meeting with Mr. Maina, where she was threatened and forced to resign, citing constructive resignation.

In her resignation letter, she requested payment of three months’ salary in lieu of notice and gratuity as per the law, which amounted to Sh495,000.

However, despite a notice issued by her advocate demanding payment within seven days, the association failed to pay Ms. Shiunza her dues.

When contacted, the association allegedly claimed to have the best lawyers and threatened to win any legal battle Ms. Geoffrey might pursue.

In addition to the harassment and unpaid dues, Ms. Shiunza also claims that during her employment, the association failed to pay for her NHIF and NSSF services and did not issue her a contract despite her repeated requests.

She states that Jaquiline Wanjiru Karanja harassed not only her, but also other employees including guards and gardeners.

Ms. Shiunza is now seeking payment of her dues as stated in the notice.

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