Luo Mps remain defiance of Raila as states visits intensifies

Luo members of parliament (MPs) who visited State House against the wishes of ODM leader Raila Odinga have continued to remain defiance.

The legislators were conspicuously absent from the Luo cultural festival which was meant to unite the community.
Raila who is attending the two day event was invited as the chief guest.

The extravaganza dubbed Piny Luo was hyped as one of its own where members of the community including political leaders, professionals and elders were to come together and chat a united path.

Homa Bay is hosting the event for the second time after one which happened in 2016.

Governor Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay) together with her counterpart Anyang Nyongo (Kisumu), James Orengo (Siaya) and Ochillo Ayacko are the organisers of the event.

Governor Wanga said the event is aimed at bringing people together in the wake up of many challenging socio-economic
and political circumstances bedeviling the community.

“The event is expected to help us chart our destiny as a community. Such events have made us who we are as a community and revered by the admirers and scorned by detractors,’’ Wanga said.
Bu the event is likely to fail from achieving its unity agenda after legislators who visited President William Ruto in the State House boycotted it.

The MPs who included Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Felix Oduor (Langata), Shakil Shabir (Kisumu East) and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda were conspicuously absent.
The legislators.

Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma recognized elected leaders who were present and those who sent their apologies but failed to mention the names of legislators who went to state house.

Kaluma said those who were absent and never sent an apology were not walking with them in the same path.
Kaluma linked the leaders to having betrayed members of the community who voted them.

“I tell Baba (Raila) that the leaders should be left for residents to teach them a lesson. Our people will deal with them appropriately come next elections,” Kaluma said.

Members of the Luo council of elders are still split after a faction led by Ker Nyandiko Ongadi also failed to attend the event.

Elders who supported the leadership of the late Opiyo Otondi were engaged in a close door meeting at Tom Mboya University in Homa Bay town in a process aimed at electing a successor of Otondi.
They are expected to unveil their new chairman tomorrow (Saturday).