Meet Former Family Bank boss Peter Munyiri, ‘rogue’ man with facing Sh 700M money Laundering and Fraud charges

Former CEO bank Peter Munyiri linked to money laundering, Fraud

Former Family Bank Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Peter Munyiri is currently facing some allegations of money laundering and Fraud after he alledgly helped National Youth Service (NYS) suspect Josephine Kabura launder Sh791 million using three bank accounts at the Family bank.

Mr. Munyiri is facing the charges before Milimani Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi .

In the case, the Family Bank which he is the boss was responsible for the suspicious transactions that were made by Kabura after its Anti-money Laundering Compliance manager Charles Kamau Thiongo failed to report to Central Bank of Kenya as was required.

He is charged alongside the Bank and Thiongo .Thiongo faces three offences of abetting and aiding Kabura to launder money through the bank and failing to report suspicious transactions.
Munyiri is said to have been behind the bank fraud that saw the NYS lose upto a tune of Sh729M and above