MP Elisha: I regret having supported Orengo to become governor

Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo on Monday fired a salvo at Siaya governor James Orengo, saying that he has good English but zero development record.

The renegade Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) politician averred that Orengo has failed the people with just a year in office thus he regrets having supported him to win the gubernatorial seat.

“I totally regret having supported Orengo. I cannot repeat that stupid mistake again!” Elisha said.

The MP insisted that Orengo should be a one-term governor and urged the people of Gem and Siaya at large to prepare and show him the door in 2027.

Elisha cited some recent survey that he said had ranked Orengo at the bottom in terms of development amongst all Kenyan governors.

He claimed that Orengo has been speaking tough about fighting corruption in his administration but has taken no action to extinguish the vice.

“It is one thing to talk about corruption and it is another to build Siaya,” Elisha said.

The MP, who was recently expelled from his party – the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), observed that Orengo had allegedly sidelined constituents of Gem in his latest senior county appointments.

This was in reference to Orengo’s list of nominees for the Chief Officer positions that are now pending approval by the County Assembly of Siaya.

In the list, Ugenya, Rarieda and Alego Usonga Sub-Counties received two chief officer slots each.

One chief officer slot was given to a person with roots in Kisumu County.

Gem and Bondo Subcounties received none.

Orengo nominated former MP Jackline Oduol from Alego Usonga to the County Executive Committee Member for Water and Natural Resources position that had remained vacant following a successful impeachment of the immediate office holder Caroline Phoebe Anyango.

He demanded that the office of the County Secretary, which will fall vacant in December 2023, be given to a person from Gem in the spirit of regional balancing.

The legislator’s rhetoric was echoed by South Gem MCA Brian Anyango alias Otuom Polo.

Otuom Polo asserted that Orengo is biased in his appointments and should be opposed with the strongest terms possible.

Also, Elisha accused Orengo and other influential people in the region for allegedly conspiring and “selling” Yala Swamp.

“They sold Dominion (Yala Swamp Land). Let them return it to the people,” Elisha said.

On his recent expulsion from the Orange party for having met President William Ruto at StateHouse, Elisha said that the ODM is not being objective.

He underscored that many other ODM members such as governors Gladys Wanga, Simba Arati, Fenandes Baraza, James Orengo and Ida Odinga have either met the president or his men but were never considered for disciplinary action.

“If you claim that the ODM is a national party, why are you disciplining Luos only?” He asked.

He added: If you must discipline then you must be objective.”

In the same breath, Elisha said that he is undeterred following his expulsion from ODM and remained upbeat saying that he will triumph in court.

Elisha maintained that his goal is to become the ODM’s next Secretary General in order to “take the ODM to the government” so that the party does not be in the opposition again in 2027.

“I want to take ODM to the president so that Luos can be in government in 2027,” he said.

He noted that he is already conglomerating with other like-minded people and campaigning to become the next SG.

“We must earn the respect of Kenyans. That is when we can be elected to form government,” he remarked.

The MP was speaking at his home in Mutumbu where hosted a delegation of over 500 Gem constituency voters.

The delegation had Ward team leaders who updated the MP on the happenings in various villages and the possible development interventions needed.

Some of the voters, however, urged Elisha to plan and vie on any party ticket if the ODM doesn’t want him.

“If the ODM doesn’t want you then you can even come with the yellow party (United Democratic Alliance) and we will still vote for you because we believe in your leadership,” a voter from Yala Ward told Elisha.
