MP rebuked Arati over use of Iebc register for bursary allocation

South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro Wednesday sharply rebuked Kisii Governor Simba Arati over proposal to allocate education bursaries on the basis of voting. .

Speaking Wednesday, the legislator separately castigated the plan by the County to transfer, from Nduru Level 5, some medical equipment sparking violent protests.

Osoro spoke to the Star by phone.

He said to allocate bursaries using the Iebc register would disadvantage millions of other Kenyans from reaping from their sweat.

“Bursaries are money, and that money is collected taxes, it is money our people pay irrespective of whether they voted or not. It therefore hinges on naivete to say you want to allocate them on that basis,” the legislator told the Star on phone.

Late Wednesday during a bursary disbursement event in Masimba, Arati ruled out giving education bursaries to thosen who did not vote in the last General elections.

His administration, stated Arati, would only give priority to those who rose up to make a decision on who to govern them.

The MCAs across the Wards were asked to use the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission, Iebc, register to lock out those who did not vote from accruing benefits such as bursaries.

Also to be affected are those poached to cast votes in areas outside their areas of residence.

They were told to go and apply for the bursaries where they voted.

Osoro said the move by was Arati borders on political immaturity on the side of the government.

“How do you punish other Kenyans just because they were busy elsewhere when voting was taking place.

Some were in hospitals, how do you account for them?, posed Osoro.

He added : I used to have a similar thinking when I was naive.

” It ts a right to vote but not mandatory.On the other hand,its mandatory for one to pay taxes to govt which in term has an obligation to serve without descrimination,” stated Osoro.

Osoro separately condemned the plan to transfer medical equipment from Nduru Hospital late Wednesday.

” Its wisdom of fools to move equipment from one hospital to another to curb a temporary situation, “he said
The hospital in Nyamarambe needs to feel the county’s input.

” .So far it is so minimal and moving world bank equipment from that very hospital turns to be insultive to the community, “he said.

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