Raila Blames DP Gachagua After Goons Attack His Gas Company, Kenyatta Land

Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga has blamed Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua following Monday’s raid of a Kenyatta family-owned land and his East Africa Spectre Limited gas plant by goons.

Raila Odinga

The unknown people invaded the Kenyatta land along the Nairobi Eastern Bypass, cut down trees and made away with sheep on Monday morning, hours after which Odinga’s gas plant was attacked and a number of windows shattered.

According to the opposition leader, Gachagua sponsored the goons to fight him and former President Uhuru Kenyatta, whom the DP has been quoted saying is behind Azimio’s anti-government protests.

“Those cowards sent goons today to Uhuru Kenyatta’s farm. They have also resorted to sending people to my Spectre factory. That is an act of crime and stupidity,” Odinga told protesters in Nairobi’s Kibera area.

“We have followed the constitution in our politics and protests. Those invading other people’s farms and factories are cowards. Mr Gachagua, the so-called child of the Mau Mau!,” he added.

He maintained that the opposition will not be cowed, saying “As Azimio, we soldier on regardless.”

On Sunday, Odinga had accused the deputy president of orchestrating a major operation of mayhem against the Azimio protests.

He said an armoury and command centre had been established in two different locations, which he claimed were being stocked with all manners of weapons, ranging from guns, pangas and machetes.

In a statement shared on Twitter, the opposition chief went on to claim the weapons are being transported to the locations aboard a vehicle camouflaged as an ambulance.

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