Raila in Nyanza to distribute food

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has castigated the govenment for frustrating the construction of the Sh 20 billion Koru Soin multi-purpose which is the long lasting solution to the Nyando floods.

Raila said for decades the construction of the dam has lagged behind yet funds being allocated to facilitate this were being misappropriated.

He said more allocation had been put towards its construction and nothing had been done until now.

“We had earlier sat with Uhuru Kenyatta when he was the President and talked on the construction of this dam, money was allocated and the contractor even went to the site”.

Raila said that it was unfortunate that the money has been slashed and the dam is not amongst the 12 listed dams to be constructed within the country.

“In the current budget, 12 dams have been listed for construction but Koru soin dam is not amongst them, ”

Speaking in Migingo Nyando Sub County, Raila noted that the same was also done to the Mamboleo road whose funds were slashed.

He accused the government of taking away projects from the region to other areas.

He noted that the Ruto and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua’s government is a company where there are people with differebt shares and have preference of areas to take their projects.

“On our side, people dint vote for them.So.we don’t have shares in their company yet we pay taxes, instead they take them to their own places,”he said.

Govenor Anyang Nyong’o noted that last year, the government allocated Sh 200 million in the budget for the dam, and the contractor went with his machines to site which is there until now, but its unfortunate what is happening.

“The contractor is still at the site with his machines.What is sad is that in the listing kc the dams to be constructed in the country, Koru-Soin is not among the list,”he said.

Nyong’o called upon county assemblies within the Lake Region Economic Bloc to pass a resolution that they will each urge nad push for the construction of the dam.

He said the Mp from the region should also do the same at the National Assembly and Senate.

His deputy Mathew’s Owili also echoed his sentiments saying the multi purpose dam should be returned to the budget

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