Reene Indosio Kwatemba: This is Why I want to represent the USIU- Africa school of Pharmacy at the Electoral college

Reene Indosio Kwatemba, a jovial girl and a fourth year pharmacy student at USIU-Africa has stepped up her campaigns by showcasing her vision to comrades on why she is the best bet to represent the USIU- Africa school of Pharmacy at the Electoral college.

When our reporter paid a courtesy call to assess from comrades how prepared the poll body was , he came across her wonderful manifesto that highlighted how she planned to fix the mess.

” I am Reene Indosio Kwatemba , currently vying for the post of electoral college representive to represent the faculty of pharmacy, Iam passionate about leadership and consider myself as a visionary leader,” her post spotted with the campus compound read

She further explained in her Manifesto how important the faculty of Pharmacy was

“The school of pharmacy and health sciences is one of the most exemplary schools in the institution and I pride myself for being a member. It would be an absolute honor in all humility to serve students not just in the docket but all students overall as an EC member, I kindly request for your votes,” she said.

Reene is not knew to leadership, she had served as a student leader from Kabarak primary school and later did the same at Kenya High school, her hard work and discipline places her at a better place to secure the position.

” I am hardworking, zealous and have a track record of leadership roles throughout my life. I am sociable and approachable and I promise a listening ear above all as I believe to serve is to reign,” she asserted.

She added , ” leadership is not complete without those I serve. if accepted into the role I promise accountability, honesty, transparency, and collaboration with not only the student body but also the staff. I have an exemplary team with me, Trizzah Oyamo and Caleb Munene,” Reene Elaborated.

Evans Njoroge is a student at the University, he says that together with his friends  they have decided to vote for her.

” We shall vote for Reene, She has a good heart of a leader, we are just waiting for the watch to click and we shall do the necessary,” he told our reporter.

When reached for comment, Reene said that some students reached out to her and persuaded her to go for a bigger position but she declined.

” I was adviced to Vie by some of my colleagues  to go for a  bigger position but I declined, I  just feel that I can serve better at this capacity atleast for now,” she said.