Rogue businessman cum Fraudster Adil Amin Khan charged with bank theft

A-30-year old man has been charged with stealing Sh 311,000 from Diamond Trust Bank.

Adil Amin Khan appeared before Milimani Principal Magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi and denied the charge.



The charges stated that with intent to deceive, he presented himself to Sharon Suke a teller at the said lender, claiming to be Khalil Karim Gulamani Jescani an account holder at Diamond Trust Bank.

It is alleged that he presented himself on July 13, 2023 at Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd, Kamakis branch in Nairobi.
He was further charged with stealing Sh 230,000 from the bank’s Eastleigh Madina Mall branch.

Khan denied two more counts of stealing Sh 29,000 from Githurai branch and Sh 19,000 from Kahawa Sukari branch respectively.



While in the process of stealing, Amin presented himself to be Dennis Kyalo Kiilu the head cash officer teller at the said Diamond Trust Bank.



He was directed to post bail of Sh100,000 to secure his release.