Rogue Former PC Davis Nathan Chelogoi embroiled in Sh1.3B land scandal, Arrest Warrant Issued against him


A Nairobi Court has issued a warrant for the arrest of former Nairobi Provincial commissioner Davis Nathan Chelogoi over failure to appear in court.

Chelogoi was required to appear in court to plead to charges of conspiracy to defraud a businessman of land valued at Sh1.3 billion in lower Kabete.

Milimani Magistrate Dolphina Alego issued a warrant for the arrest as Assistant Deputy Director Land Administration Officer in the ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Andrew Aseri Kirungu denied the charges over the said land.

The former administrator and Kirungu are accused of jointly with others not before court, conspiring to defraud Ashok Rupshi Shah and Hitenkumar Amritlal Raja of a parcel of land.

They allegedly committed the offence on or before the 9th day of December, 2020.

The and Reference No.18485 I.R. No.64011/1 measuring approximate area 7.390 hectares situated along Lower Kabete road valued at Sh.1.5 billion.

The two are also accused of jointly and unlawfully procuring registration of a parcel of land with intent to defraud.

The charge sheets state that they committed the offence 9th day of December, 2020 and 4th June, 2021 at the State Department of Lands and Physical Planning within Nairobi City.

According to the charge sheet, Chelogoi falsely pretended to be the lawful and the registered owner of the said Land.

Kirungu, a former assistant Deputy Director Land Administration Officer in the State Department of Lands and Physical Planning, was accused of abusing his office by causing fraudulent Certificate of Title L.R. No. 18485 1.R. No.232908, an act that was prejudicial to the rights of Ashok.

It is alleged that he made the fraudulent act on diverse dates between the 9th December 2020 and 26th May, 2021 at the State Department of Lands and Physical Planning within Nairobi City County.

The duo are jointly accused of fraudulently procuring an allotment Ref. No. 75707/VII dated 31st January, 1995 for Land Reference No. 18485 Inland Register (I.R.) No.64011/1 purporting it to be a genuine and valid letter of allotment issued by the Commissioner of Lands.

Chelogoi is facing several charges.

The court will rule on whether to release Assistant Deputy Director Land Administration Officer in the State Department of Lands and Physical Planning Kirungu on December 28