Rogue Fugitive Nuur Mohammed may temper with my case, complainant tells court

A case in which  dangerous Briton fugitive is charged with threatening to kill a businessman took a different direction after the complainant told the court that he may temper with the case.

He also  expressed concern to why the accused person is still operating  on a police bond and why the case was being delayed.

Through his lawyer, Mr Abdi Hassan Mohamed  revealed that  despite numerous adjournment ,he is yet to know why the bond and bail ruling has not been delivered given that the accused person Mr Nuur Mohammed took plea almost one month ago and he has been out on a cash bail given by the police.

Through his lawyer,Mr Hassan who is a real estate businessman want the court to expeditiously finish this matter since it has affecting his business,

Hassan says the move to have the matter adjourned to February next year is delaying tactics by the accused person.

NUUR was charged at Milimani Law Courts for threatening to kill a Key Real estate businessman at Westlands Nairobi.

Appearing before Magistrate Martha Nanzushi, Nuur Ahmed Mohamed pleaded not guilty to two counts of threatening to kill Abdi Hassan Mohamed.

He is said to have committed the offense on November 4, 2023 at Westgate Shopping mall in Westlands Sub County within Nairobi County, without lawful excuse uttered words threatening to kill Abdi Hassan Mohamed.

He faced another count of assault.

The court was informed that Ahmed on November 4, 2023 at Wastage shopping mall, he assaulted Hassan Mohammed causing him bodily harm.

He is said to have assaulted Hassan after he came out of worship area.