Sagini attackers found guilty by Kisii Court

Three key suspects facing assault charges against Baby Brighton Junior Sagini at the Kisii Law Courts were Thursday found guilty.

Court Magistrate Christine Ogweno said the pieces of evidence presented before court were solid and strong enough to convict the three – Alex Ochogo, Pacifica Nyakerario 84 and Rael Nyakerario.

Pacifica, 84,is the grandmother to Sagini.

All the three would however be returned to court on 28th April to defend themselves ahead of sentencing.

The Suspects hade made the request to the court to be allowed to defend themselves on oath. .

On Thursday afternoon, Magistrate Ogweno the testimony provided ten witnesses solidly convict the three.

Baby Sagini then 3 years was discovered in a thicket in Ikuruma, Marani, Kitutu Chache North on the morning of December 14th with his eyes gouged out.

The evidenced adduced gives gruesome insight into an assault on humanity most foul, said Ogweno.

“Until the agreed time within which they would give defence, this court finds them guilty of all the charges prosecution brought against them , “she said.
The suspects are all related to Sagini. .
They were facing attempted murder charges before they were later dropped to causing to grievous bodily harm.

Baby Sagini whose eyes were gouged out has already put his grandma Rael Nyakerario at the scene of the gory attack.

The suspects are being represented by Kerosi Ondieki while Davin Biyaki stands in for the Law Society of Kenya and George Moraa for Kisii County.

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