Televangelist David Kariuki Ngare, alias Gakuyo is a conman, has conned over 50,000 Kenyans some Sh100M

The police are seeking to detain televangelist and Ekeza Sacco founder David Kariuki Ngare, alias Gakuyo for four days pending further probe into allegations of embezzling Sh1 billion from members of his Ekeza Sacco.

In an application filed at the Milimani Law Courts, the DCI said they are investigating a case of conspiracy to commit a felony, obtaining money by false pretences, stealing and money laundering involving over Sh1 billion.

Televangelist and Ekeza Sacco founder David Kariuki Ngare, alias Gakuyo arraigned at Milimani Law Courts on February 22, 2024
Televangelist and Ekeza Sacco founder David Kariuki Ngare, alias Gakuyo arraigned at Milimani Law Courts on February 22, 2024
Gakuyo was arrested at JKIA on February 21 while on transit to Zambia.

In an affidavit, Bernard Gikandii an officer attached at DCI says the investigations are at an advanced stage.

“We are likely to have him charged in several cases including more than 50,000 victims spread all over the country,” an officer said.

They want the court to issue an order and have him detained at Muthaiga police station for four days pending further probe into the matter.

Gikandii has cited the public outcry from his victims and other affected persons over the funds lost or allegedly stolen by Gakuyo and companies associated with him.

He is convinced that Gakuya is likely to interfere with the ongoing investigations including contacting critical witnesses and concealing material documents necessary and relevant to the probe. The court will give directions into the matter.