Tension as Maggot, Rats are found on a dead body in Kisii Morgue

Fracas erupted at the Kisii Teaching and Referral Mortuary on Friday after a family protested the bad state of the body of their kin.

The mourners had turned up to collect the body of Veronica Nyabonyi but found it littered with maggots.

There was no communication from the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital by press time.

The hospital officials were said to be holed up in an a meeting.

Mourners said some parts on the deceased kin’s body appeared feasted by rats.

Henry Omambia, the family spokesperson, told journalists the poor storage facilities and uncaring morgue attendants were to blame for the mess.

The deceased, Nyabonyi 84,was brought to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital for treatment on 26th June but succumbed days later and the body transfered to the morgue for storage .

Omambia separately said they only managed to identify the Veronica’, s body by one foot.

The attendants gave the intermittent power at the morgue as an albii for the body decays. .

The cold storage systems had been malfunctioning for weeks occasioning the decay of the bodies, one attendant told them .

Several other bodies were said to be in bad shape owing to the state of the machines.

A miffed Omambia said it was unfortunate the morgue does not have an alternative power to keep the bodies safe from the decomposing.

He said attendants also ask bribes to help in allocating space for bodies of those who cooperate. .

“They keep the bodies on the floor if you don’t if you refuse to tip them leading to the situation we are currently in,” said Omambia.

Esther Kwamboka said she begun growing suspicious on Wednesday when she was barred from accessing the Veronica’s body view ahead of today’s planned burial.

” We came to pay bills and requested that i be allowed to see body but one rude attendant kept me waiting as i walked out my suspicions that something was amiss grew within me,” she told journalists.

Vincent, her son, told Governor Simba Arati and his health officers to own up to the deplorable state of the morgues across the county .

The facility holds a 100 body against the piling 200 bodies according to an attendant.

” There are more than 200 bodies as we tallk, an excess of 100 more ,” he said.

But as the you mourners protested one more woman said they also took a decomposed body for burial to Birongo in Nyaribari Chache on Tuesday.

They had to seek the service of a mortician from Hema to clean the body of maggots before laying the kin to rest.


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