Three deny possessing money making machine

Three people allegedly found with money-making papers and equipment inside their car in Ngara were charged with possession of implements of forgery according to Nairobi news.

The three Gerald Wanyonyi, Fidel Barasa, and Elizabeth Mwende.

They were allegedly found with 16 papers resembling those used in making Sh1000 notes and a machine suspected to have been used in making cash.

They had parked their car in the area when officers from Parklands police station on patrol came across the car which had been parked off-road and interrogated the occupants.

They reportedly became suspicious prompting the officers to conduct a search on them and their car during which the items were allegedly recovered.

The suspects denied the charges before senior resident magistrate Renee Kitangwa of Kibera law courts. They were freed on a bond of Sh200,000 with alternative cash bail of Sh100,000.

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