Two cops from Nandi detained over Robbery Links

Two police officers have been placed in custody in Nandi on suspicion of engaging in robbery with violence.

The two police constables are said to have been captured in a close circuit TV system robbing a petrol station at Ndurio market in Nadi south a go.

Aldai sub-county police commander John Owuoth said the two officers were in custody in Kobujoi police station as detectives commence investigations into the robbery.

The OCPD said detectives were analyzing footages captured during the night robbery where unspecified amount of money was stollen.

The two officers were captured rounding up security guards and handcuffing them before forcefully bundling them into a seclude room.

The robbers then descended on the CCTV cameras installed at the petrol station in strategic positions, breaking them using crowbars they were armed with.

The thugs said to have been around 5, then broke into the offices and removed the CCTV recording unit which was later recovered in a nearby bush, which o n re view, revealed the details and faces behind the incident.

Owuoth said it was the Third time the station has been raided by the robbers in two years and police were investigating if the same officers were involved.

“The petrol station position is in isolation serving mostly Boda Boda operators…so far we have not established actual amount of money robbed,” police commander noted.

Residents said the two police officers in custody were notorious in engaging I n unlawful activities in the area.


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