We need to work together as Kenyan leadership – Prime CS Mudavadi

Prime Cabinet CS Musalia Mudavadi has called for synagy among the Kenyan leadership.

Mudavadi said there is need to create good environment for Kenyans to grow socio-economically.

“We need to work together the way Makueni Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior has said to foster environment of peace and give Kenyans conducive environment for growth,” Mudavadi said.

He spoke at Konza Technopolies City in Makueni County on Thursday.

Mudavadi said through President William Ruto’s leadership, the government had disbursed lots of resources to all the 47 counties.

“It hasn’t been easy. Through tough measures, we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s work together as leaders,” Mudavadi said.

He said technology had opened doors where millions of Kenyans can now access information and get knowledge.

“We are confident that if we work together, that River of knowledge will never dry,” Mudavadi said.
