Police in Nyanchwa in Kisii say they are holding two suspects in connection with the stabbing to death Easter Sunday night of a reveler at a popular joint in Mosocho, Kitutu Chache South.

A Marani Sub-County Hospital female pharmacist, Pauline Moranga, 48, who was reported to be with the deceased moments he was lured out and slaughtered by the male suspect, is among those arrested .

Nyanchwa OCPD Anthony Keter identified the male stalker as Cyprian Karuri 36.

The deceased was identified by as Thomson Ndege, 53 and was partying with Pauline when he was assaulted. .

Police said they received a call Sunday night about the incident where a man acting alone had lured his prey out of Pollars Bar and Restaurant into the shadows before he severally stabbing him im the chest.

“He (Karuri) appeared like one who had been stalking the two lovers for hours. He waited them to finish from the lodging and return to the bar where they had requested for drinks before he requestrd to have a conversation with him when he stabbed him leaving him for dead,” said Keter.

Karuri was rushed to Olive Hospital in Mosocho for emergency treatment before a referral to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

Keter said the two will be arraigned Tuesday for murder.

He, however, said they are still investigating the motive of the incident.

“We are still carrying out more investigations into it,” he told the Star by phone.


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