Brutal Murder Of NITA Accountant Linked To Corruption Scandals Involving Director General Stephen Ogenga

In the latest development concerning our previous publication on the disgraceful scandals at the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), an anonymous source from the National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) has sent us a carbon copy of a letter addressed to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), in which disgruntled NITA employees are sounding the alarm over the gruesome murder of one June Kangogo, an accountant on temporary terms of service.

According to the letter, Ms. Kangogo was a conduit for siphoning public resources at NITA, and her death is suspected to be linked to the black-money menace which has dominated the public discourse in recent weeks.

The letter goes on to claim that Ms. Kangogo’s death might be part of a cover-up due to recent arrests by the EACC and a report aired on mainstream media regarding the myriad of scandals surrounding the Authority.

The letter also outlines a wide-scale of financial fraud and unethical accounting and procurement practices involved in a criminal conspiracy by several NITA officials.

“The wide-scale of financial fraud and unethical accounting and procurement practices involved a criminal conspiracy of the following:

o Stephen Ogenga –Director General
o James Nyang’au – Accountant
o Thomas Nakitare – Accountant
o Timothy Nalianya Chetegei– Accountant
o Allan Matete – Accountant: (Quit his job under mysterious circumstances) and,
o The late June Kangogo – Accountant:

This group devised a scheme of creative accounting, manipulation, trickery, and deceit to net for themselves huge amounts of taxpayers’ money. To unravel the fraud and unethical accounting practices at NITA, we draw the following areas for your urgent attention and investigation…” it reads in part.

The letter goes on to detail the areas of concern, including Homecare Management and associated Accredited Trainers, procurement fraud through Hot-air Supplies, and high-value and obscene imprest advances to June Kangogo, which were surrendered fictitiously.

The letter alleges that the Accounting Officer/Director General in connivance with the listed accountants promoted an intense regime that injured the financial interests of the Authority through illegal financial activities, criminal misappropriation of public funds, and criminal breach of trust.

Another revelation is that these accountants’ lifestyles were astonishingly above their pay grades, driving flashy cars and living big, yet they were temporary employees.

The letter suggests that fraud at NITA involves the misuse of public money through creative accounting in a conspiracy evidenced by intentional acts of deception, massive existence of illegal and unethical management of public resources, manipulation, falsification, and alteration of financial records, and misrepresentation and intentional omission of amounts.

The letter concludes by stating that the identification, prevention, and minimization of incidences of financial fraud are the collective responsibility of all, including citizens, public servants, and the government through key regulators and investigating agencies.

We urge the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) to launch a thorough investigation into these allegations and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The public deserves to know the truth about what has been happening at NITA and how public resources have been misused for personal gain.

We hope that justice will be served for the Kenyan taxpayers who have been taken advantage of.

Our readers can rest assured that we will keep following this story closely and provide them with any subsequent updates as we uncover them.

It is our responsibility as a credible news source to hold those in power accountable and ensure that justice is served for the public good.

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