Kevin Otiende to unseat Ruto in the next polls

Kevin Otiende , The managing director of the renown Public Relations firm Calla PR will seeking to unseat President William Ruto in the next polls a local publications has reported .

This according to the sources has been boosted by a large youths who endorsed his bid.

Otiende over the years has distanced himself from politics until the piercing cost of living inflicting lives of Kenyans resulted to the ugly standoff between the opposition and the government halting businesses in many parts of the country.

The youthful leader has a dream that can transform the country’s economy and create employment for young people.

Speaking to our team, Juma Mwachonda a resident of Nairobi said he has witnessed voluntary work done by Mr. Otiende such as enhancing learning to students by donating chairs, desks and other learning materials to schools.

“Kevin has the capacity to lead Kenya, we have a great leader in Kevin, he interacts with people of all levels. He understands the needs of Kenyans. We have seen him elevating the lives of people by creating job opportunities,” Mwachonda said.

Masika Wekesa told our team that Otiende championed climate justice in Kenya by planting 50,000 trees in order to retain the glory of Nairobi as the only ‘Green City Under the Sun’.

Otiende wrote on his social media pages that: “After a highly-charged consultative meeting meeting with my constituents in which they refused NO for an answer, I have decided to be on the ballot in 2027. The party also approved the two-finger salute as the official party symbol.”

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