Dr. Amoth To Continue Serving As Acting Health Director General In New Changes At MoH

Dr. Patrick Amoth will continue to serve as acting Director General of Health Services, according to a slew of new changes announced by Health CS Susan Wafula in an internal memo.

Since 2019, Amoth, who also serves as the chairperson of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board, has served as the government’s chief technical advisor in liaison with the Ministry of Health.

His more than four-year tenure in an acting capacity has sparked debate since he took over from Dr. John Masasabi.

In March 2022, then-Health CS Mutahi Kagwe was called before the Senate Health Committee to explain why Amoth had yet to be appointed Director General.

According to Kagwe, the Public Service Commission (PSC) delayed approval of the proposed organizational structure and staff establishment in order to fill the position.

It is still unclear why Dr. Amoth was never confirmed as Director General, with the PSC adding to the mystery by announcing his position in June 2022.

Meanwhile in the new changes at MoH, CS Wafula has named two new deputy directors general: Dr Zainab Gura as deputy director general of the state Department of Medical Services and Dr Sultani Matendechero as deputy director general of Public Health and Professional Standards.

Dr. Andrew Mulwa has been transferred to the Directorate of Family Health, with Joseph Tunai taking his place at the Directorate of Preventive and Promotive Health.

In the new changes, Irene Inwani will be in charge of the Directorate of Clinical Services, and Elizabeth Wangia will be in charge of the Directorate of Health Financing.

Dr. Francis Kuria has been retained as Director of Public Health and Sanitation.

According to the changes announced on Wednesday, the officers will serve in an acting capacity beginning April 19, 2023.

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