Scandal: Turkana County – Jubilee Insurance In Corrupt Medical And Life Cover Deals

The chief editor of this site has received documents pointing to a corrupt deal between Turkana County Government and Jubilee Insurance Company.

In the deal, the Jubilee Health Insurance Limited Chief Executive Officer Njeri Jomo and his General Manager in Jubilee Life Insurance Ms Catherine Gangata and Senior Business Development Officer Bernard Ronoh have colluded with the County Executive Committee Member (CEC) for Public Service, Administration and Disaster Management James Longole Wangiros to mess the medical cover and group life cover for Turkana County staff.

According to a source, both parties are cooking the tender documents in favor of the insurance firm.

They are using brokers to reduce the staff cover by 50%; even though Turkana County Government will pay for 100% for the cover.

“The money for 50% cover will be paid back to broker and broker will pay the CEC as kickback for messing up our cover. We are suffering,“ the source said.

Not the first time

Our source adds that in the last two years, Turkana County Government paid Utmost Insurance Brokers Limited to cover group life and Work Injury Benefits (WIBA).

The broker never paid the insurance company and the staff were left without group life and WIBA cover as the money paid to Utmost Insurance Brokers Limited was paid back to the county officials.

James Longole WANGIROS, Turkana County Executive Committee Member for Public Service

“This is same as what they want to do this year to use brokers to steal staff cover money for sick staffs and deceased staffs. Tusaidie tunaumiya!,” the source complained.

The tenders for the covers was not advertised, but already Jubilee Insurance have the tender documents which they cooked and share with CEC Wangiros.

The kickback is shared among relevant CECs and the Governor Jeremiah Ekamais Lomorukai Napotikan.

We have attached the documents below:

MEDICAL COVER – Comprehensive


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