Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has moved to court seeking to recover Sh33 million from Isiolo County

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has moved to court seeking to recover Sh33 million from Isiolo County government officials used in the purchase of a fire engine whose price was exaggerated.

The EACC further says the acquisition of the fire engine was unlawful as it was done against the provisions of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal of Act and regulations.

The anti-graft body wants the officials Ali Wako, Dr Salad Sarite, John Nkuraru, Kennedy Murimi, Abdinasir Ali, Qanchora Abduba, Jabril Hassan, Bashir Mamo and Drescoll ltd compelled to pay Sh58.5 million.

“In the alternative, Sh33,060,000 against the defendants jointly and severally,” adds the agency.

The anti-graft body says investigations established that the Turkish Ivaco fire engine supplied to the county government was exaggerated as the market value for the same does not exceed 25.5 million.

It is the argument of EACC that what was paid to acquire the fire engine constitutes proceeds of corruption or corrupt conduct which the agency is entitled to seek recovery.

The commission further argued that the contract awarded to Drescoll ltd under Tender NO. ICG/003/2017/2018 arising from fraudulent misrepresentation and flawed procurement process was illegal, null and void.

The agency accuses Wako, Ali, Qanchora and Jabril Hassan of abuse of office for preparing payment vouchers for advance payment of 50 percent of the contract knowing it to be contrary to section 147(1) of the Public Procurement & Asset Disposal Act, 2015.

According to the Commission, by making advance payment of Sh29 million to Drescoll ltd, the officials abused their office by improperly conferring a benefit to the said company, contrary to section 121 of the Public Finance Act, 2012 and section 147(1) of the Public Procurement & Asset Act, 2015.

Investigations further established that Isiolo county government chief officer public works, housing and Urban development Adan Kadubo knowingly forwarded specifications for a Turkish Iveco Truck to the Chief Engineer for purposes of inspection, which fire engine differed from the Sinotruck undertaken to be delivered in the bid document submitted to Drescoll ltd.