A businessman has been charged with defrauding a private university

A businessman has been charged with defrauding a private university of Sh20 million by pretending to be in a position to sell land to the institution.

Vallabh Haribhai Bakrania was accused of obtaining Sh20 million from Mt Kenya University on November 27, 2020.

The charge sheet stated that Bakrania obtained the said money by falsely pretending that he was in position to sell and transfer to the university a parcel of land in Nairobi’s Industrial Area.

The court heard that with intent to defraud, he obtained the money by claiming that he would sell a parcel of land to the university.

The land measures approximately 0.0602 hectares and valued at Sh200 million.

He appeared before Milimani chief magistrate Wendy Micheni and denied the charges.

The court released him on a bond of Sh1 million or an alternative cash bail of Sh1 million.

The court also ordered the businessman to deposit his British passport in court.

The case will be mentioned on May 19, for pre-trial directions.

Meanwhile, Two house helps were also charged with stealing over Sh32 million shillings from their employer.

The two, Ruth Kageha Livole and Violet Engesia Aluse were charged that between April 15 and 21 April this year at Tipuwama Apartment in Karen, they stole three golden rings and a black carrier bag containing 280,000 US dollars all valued at Sh32,740,600 property of Atong Amos Agok Juac

They pleaded not guilty and were released on a cash bail of Sh5 million each.