EXPOSED: President Ruto’s CS bribes local journalists as he continue grabbing widow’s ancestral land

Days after some local online publications exposed ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owallo over his alledged land grabbing spree of widow’s Ancestral land it has now emerged that the CS has pocketed some local journalists who will never expose’ his evils.

Extensive investigations done by our team confidently shows that, that all local journalists apart from few have been pocketed by the CS and have been instructed to bring the CS in good light and hence the question remain ; Who will save the Society?.

” Yes the CS must be published in good light, his communication team cannot allow his name to be tainted, a small token is usually given to us to keep off some bad stories where he is involved,” Said a local journalist who requested not to be named.

This comes even after some widows vowed to expose’ the CS for grabbing their land, they have now vowed to use other journalist especially the ones with from Nairobi to express their concerns and fight for their rights.

They accuse the CS of ; Grabbing their land, intimidating them using the police and local administrators including the chiefs and some influential people in the society.

Last week some four men who were arrested while fencing a widow’s ancestral land as directed and designated by the government Surveyor failed to take plea.

They had been arrested by the cops who claimed that they got some instructions from above.

” Yes I know those officers, they are our close friends, they acted according to an order from the ICT CS, ” a police officer told this reporter.

No charges were preferred against them and the complainant who was supposed to be the CS was not indicated in the chargesheet.

” They were arrested illegally and detained illegally, they may be suing in the same,” said a businessman.

” CS Owalo has the habit of targeting widows and takes advantage of their vulnerability and ignorance to buy their ancestral land. Most of his parcels are bought from ignorant widows,” said a lawyer from the area.

Further more, the CS has been using local Police boss and officers at a local police station to frustrate the said Widow and others.

” Why should a widow like me and others be subjected to police Harrassment and brutality why we try to fight for our rights, we feel like the President need to act,” said a depressed widow.


A royal media journalist who recently visited one of the widow’s, did an interview and promised to highlight her suffering in the hand of Eliud Owallo seems to be another man.

He was picked from a nearby town by the Widows driver and later facilited from the venue after the interview, he has never received the widows phone, shared the footage with her or replied to an SMS.

The Details in our possession and which we shall expose’in our next episode reveal that the Journalist has not run the stories and has never shared the clip with the woman.

” Yes he is my friend and you know the CS is a good man, he gave him some cash and the story will never see the light,” said a close friend of the scribe.