Fasting when sick keeps diseases at bay says Dagoretti North Mp Beatrice Elachi

Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi has challenged Kenyans who are feeling unwell to fast.

Elachi who was speaking on KTN News on Monday said fasting when you are sick is a good remedy to prevent the disease from spreading.

She noted that most diseases such as cancer thrive on the food that we eat, hence those who are sick but can afford to fast should do so.

“It is now important nowadays and I think that is why in the Bible there is fasting,” she said.

“If you feel you are very sick but you are able to fast even for five days do that because that is how you deny the disease to spread because diseases thrive on what we take in,” she added.

She further urged Kenyans to embrace the culture of walking as a way of remaining fit. She noted that lack of exercise makes the body especially the bones weak hence an easy target should a disease attack.

In addition, she advised that food is prepared well by ensuring it is well cooked to kill all the disease-causing micro-organisms.

This, she said is worsened by the fact that many Kenyans nowadays use gas which cooks food within minutes.

The cooking is also prepared in aluminum sufurias compared to the way food was prepared by the past generations.

“You find many of the different chemicals that we have used to flavor the different foods that we eat might be even part of our problem. We just need to ask ourselves how did our grandmothers survive,” she paused.