Azimio tells Gachagua off on belittling bipartisan talks

Azimio tells Gachagua off on belittling bipartisAzimio brigade led by ODM party leader Raila Odinga and Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka Sunday told Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to respect the ongoing bipartisan talks.

Speaking at Omobera Boarding Primary in Kenyenya, Bomachoge Chache, during a fundraiser, Musyoka accused Gachagua of letting out incendiary and belittling remarks on the talks between the two sides .

“He should stop the abuses and respect the talk. These talksare not for nothing,” stated Musyoka.

All that has been laid on the table for discussions, he added, has already been agreed on.

“Kenya must move forward as a united indivisible entity. If he (Gachagua) has any divergent views, let him freely share to the committee. He should stop the abuses. There is no room for negative voices, “the Wiper Party leader said.

The sentiments were shared by other leaders among them Kisii Governor Simba Arati, MPs Obadiah Barongo (Bomachoge Borabu) and Anthony Kibagendi (Kitutu Chache South).

” If Gachagua wants to be respected, he too must reciprocate toward Baba, otherwise we can equally talk back in unkind terms if he goes on,” Arati said.

Other leaders present included ODM party treasurer Timothy Bosire who said the party still strongly believes Odinga rightly won the polls.

He said this is why they are agitating for the opening of the servers.

” They should be reopened because we believe our victory was stolen,” the former Kitutu Masaba MP stated.

And while speaking, Azimio leader Raila Odinga vehemently protested against the high cost of University education in the country .

At Sh 300,00 a year in tuition per year, Kenya Kwanza, he said, appear to had gotten it all wrong, Odinga said.

“Those guys (Kenya Kwanza) were saying about hustlers, the mama mbogas and other struggling cadres in society but they had since abandoned them on the wayside.

” They have suddenly raised university fees to its all high, do we have anybody with that ability to pay such?,” the former Prime Minister posed.

Odinga said the sudden sharp increment in university fees runs counter to what Azimio had initially proposed in its manifesto.

“We had purposed that education be made free from primary all the way to university. We can’t say we are out empowering the poor when we are excluding thw poor from education,”, Odinga said.

He speaking during a fundraiser to aid in the construction of a dormitory recently razed down at Omobera SDA primary .

Odinga further asked the Kenya Kwanza administration to give governors the mandate to handle the housing project saying they are better placed to handle the project.

“We must make devolution work but it can only function if money is disbursed and fund markets, health, education , only can Kenyans enjoy the fruits of devolution,” stated Odinga.

Musyoka separately rebuked President William Ruto saying his actions were quickly clawing back the fruits of freedom the country has made over the years.

Musyoka said lack of respect for basic freedoms was sparking mutiny across Africa .

Migori Governor Ayako said faulted those warming their way to UDA and Ruto saying under the current political dispensation, nobody should grovel before anybody to seek cheap favours.

Nyamira Senator Okongo Omogeni accused Ruto of sidelining Gusii and from key appointments.

He said other regions had been given plum positions in large measure while Gusii did not merit a single Permanent Secretary seat in the Ruto administration.

Instead, added Omogeni, more others are being sacked.

The Senator said no university student should be sent home for fees saying the tax being paid was enough to cater for free education.

Kitutu Chache South MP Anthony Kibagendi said ODM will work overtime in the next poll to lock out UDA

Kitutu Masaba MP Clive Gisairo backed Odinga on cracking the whip on wayward MPs and Ward Reps in Azimio.

He said it doesn’t give the defections much dense when resources are availed by the government for development

Host MP Obadiah Barongo said ODM will retain its dominance in Gusii during the coming polls.