Jubilation as Kisii Court smokes out ODM’s Clare Obino in Jubilee party nomination tussle

The High in Kisii has quashed Jubilee Party’s nomination of Claire Moraa Obino to Kisii County Assembly.

It, however, in a Friday judgement ruled in favor of Redempta Moraa Onkundi who lodged a petition challenging Obino’s nomination.

The case has been going on for months before Judge Jackline Kamau

She had the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission to challenge Obino’s nomination from Jubilee yet she was an ODM party member.

Onkundi had at first sought redress at a tribunal and later at the lower court which both ruled in favor of her nomination as gender top up.

She was number three in the Jubilee Party’s nomination list.

In the Friday ruling, Judge Kamau noted ‘glaring discrepancies in the evidence adduced by the accused.

She consequently dismissed the appeal from Obino before ruling in favour of Onkundi.

“ The Appellant’s appeal was lodged on January 12, 2023 was not merited and the same be and is hereby dismissed” ruled Justice Kamua.

She ordered Obino to pay cost of the appeal.

The Judge erred Iebc for ignoring orders to place Onkundi’s on slot 3 and gazette her as recommended .

Instead it pushed the name to number 27 in the party list thus denying her nomination.

Onkundi was represented by lawyer, Polycarp Maroko.

“ As a Jubilee Member, I felt that I had been shortchanged. Obino was not a Jubilee Member, she was an ODM party member, “she told journalists

According ato the party rules, only party members can be Nominated.

Lawyer Maroko lauded the verdict and urged the Commission to gazette hid client as soon as the Assembly resumes.
