Notorious businessman cum Fraudster Collins Muchera Imbayi again charged multi-milion fraud in fake tender scandal

A businessman has been charged with obtaining almost Sh30 million by pretending that he would supply anti-lock jam pin to the Ministry of Interior.

Collins Muchera Imbayi appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Lukas Onyina and denied the charges of conspiracy to defraud and money laundering, among others.

The prosecution opposed Imbayi’s application to be released on bail indicating he is a flight risk since he has other pending cases.

The court will deliver the ruling on Monday on the application to be freed on bail and whether the case will be consolidated with other cases.

The charges that with intend to defraud, the accused person obtained Sh20 million from Wang Maoyong by falsely pretending that the money was meant for purchase Anti-Lock Jam Pin Kits to supply the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government.

It is alleged that he committed the offence on January 21, 2022, in Nairobi, jointly with another who had already been charged.

Another count stated that he conspired to fraudulently obtain Sh47,360 from Faith Nafula Kibet and Wang Maoyong by falsely pretending that the money was meant for purchase of 680 litres of Pramitol 25e to be supplied to Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and 1500 Anti-Lock Jam Pin Kits for supply to the Ministry of Interior.

The second count stated that he committed the offence on diverse dates between 26 November 2021 and 21 January 2022 at CBD Nairobi, jointly with others before court.

He is further accused that on 10th day of December 2021, within Nairobi County, jointly with another before court, obtained from Wang Maoyong Sh6 million by falsely pretending that the money was meant for purchase of goods namely Pramitol 25e to supply the Ministry of Labour and Social Services, a fact you knew was false.

Prosecution further told the court that on 25th January 2022, with intent to conceal the source, disposition and movement of the proceeds of crime, used Sh2.5 million to purchase Toyota Prado from Robert C.K. Bunei, which he knew formed part of proceeds of crime