Rogue Corrupt cricket chairperson Manoj Patel, treasurer Kalpesh Solanki at the centre of Sh 12M fraud

There is infighting at Cricket Kenya after top officials were accused of embezzling shs 12 million.

Some members of Cricket Kenya have accused Mr. Manoj Patel (the chairman) and Mr. Kalpesh Solanki (the treasurer) of misappropriating the cash.

“Mr. Patel, per our instructions, has failed to account for kshs. 5,000,000.00) in sponsorship funds. Furthermore, he has entered into contracts without the board’s approval, failed to convene council meetings and an annual general meeting (AGM) on or before 30th April 2023 as required” the members said.

In a demand letter to Patel and Solanki through KMK AFRICA ADVOCATES LLP written on 25th July 2023, the members accused Solanki of withdrawing kshs. 6,900,000.00 from the federation’s accounts without providing an account of the funds and failed to keep adequate financial records.

“Moreover, he has not maintained separate accounts for each competition and has failed to submit annual financial reports to the registrar of sports at the annual general meeting. Our clients have an obvious and identifiable stake in the running of the Association for the benefit of members and the game in general,” the members said.

KMK Africa Advocates said in the letter that Cricket Kenya members have attempted to have this matter resolved in a civil manner but their efforts have been ignored.

The members demanded immediate removal of Mr. Manoj Patel and Mr. Kalpesh Solanki from their respective positions within the Cricket Kenya Executive Board.

“A complete and transparent audit of all financial transactions conducted by the Board since the inception of the new board and urgent convening of a Council meeting to address the crisis and elect new members for the vacant positions,” they demanded.

They also demand a thorough investigation into the alleged financial mismanagement and non-compliance with the Constitution of Kenya and the ICC Code of Ethics.

They also demanded Public disclosure of the investigation’s findings and necessary actions taken to rectify the situation.

However, in a rejoinder to the demand letter through lawyer Obwogi Jonathan from Maalim and Associates advocates, Manoj and Patel said they cannot respond to “Amorphous persons” calling themselves County Cricket Council.

They said the demand letter lacks sufficient documentation and evidence and that claims of misappropriation are mere allegations.

Lawyer Obwogi vowed to put up a fierce battle in court.

However, daggers are drawn and two members of the County Cricket Council signed affidavits saying they are not amorphous and are ready to adduce evidence in court against Patel and Solanki.