Man charged with defrauding an American National Sh141,000

A man who alledgly refused to reverse so heme Sh141,000 that was wrong sent to his mobile phone by an American National has been charged at a Kibera court with theft.

Onesmus Nzioki Mule was charged before senior Principal magistrate Monica Maroro where he denied the charges.

He alledgly committed the offence on Diverse dates between August 4 and August 8 at unknown time in Kileleshwa area within Nairobi County.

The money belonged to Miche Foucault, an American Citizen who was alledgly sending to his daughter before he missed one digit and sent it to a Kenyan.

The accused person alledgly failed to return the money and his mobile phone went off prompting the complainant to contact Safaricom and later reported the matter to the police station.

He was arrested and arraigned in court where he was charged with the offence.

He denied the wrong doing and pleaded for a lenient bond terms.

He told the court that he was not a flight risk prompting the magistrate to release him on Sh 200,000 bond with an alternative cash bail of Sh100,000 with the surety of the same amount.
The case will proceed later this months for pre-trials and further directions.