KWS invites a victim of human-wildlife conflict for advice

A Kajiado farmer who lost 116 sheep and goats to predators 9 years ago is not on the list of people to be compensated.

Wilson Parseina, who lost 38 sheep and 78 goats between June 12, 2014, and August 1, 2016, said lions killed his stock.
Parseina told the Star that all three attacks were documented by the Ngong KWS warden who visited the home and the scene of the attack three times.
“The Ngong warden came home with three KWS askaris and took all the details from the farm including photos, but I am shocked to find my name missing on the list of those to be compensated,” said Parseina.
Nairobi National Park Senior Warden, the late Mark Cheruiyot, sent several KWS officers to the home of Parseina to document the attack.
The KWS spokesman Paul Jinaro told the Star that Parseina should personally visit the community compensation office at their headquarters on Langata Road with his complaint so the matter can be looked into.
“He has a right to complain because those are many sheep and goats. He will get his money through the compensation scheme if all the documents are worked on well,” said Jinaro.
Parseina said he saw the list that was published by the KWS on April 15 that had 609 victims of human-wildlife conflicts in Kajiado and who are expected to receive Sh196 million in compensation but that his name was missing.
The claims of the victims were processed by KWS and the wildlife agency is waiting for funds to compensate the victims.
A total of Sh196,034,02 has been set aside for the victims including 21 people who were killed by wild animals.
A 41-page list of the victims was released by KWS in April and indicates how much each victim will be paid.
The KWS listed all the causes of injuries, property damage, crop destruction and predation and the animals involved, which included mostly elephants, snakes, hyenas, lions, buffalos, wild dogs, elands and zebras.
The list in our possession shows a tabulation of all the cases and the amounts of compensation to each victim. The KWS is paying Sh5 million for the dead.
Levels of injuries, according to KWS determine the amount the victims are paid. The least paid for the injuries sustained by a victim in the provided list is Sh6,000.
During the last drought in Kajiado, cases of human-wildlife conflict intensified in areas near national parks and game reserves.
Most of the human-wildlife conflict reported cases are the ones from snake bites, stray lions, stray elephants, which destroy people’s farms, and stray hyenas and lions in human settlements.
The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 put the compensation of the dead at Sh5 million.