71 Ethiopians arrested over suspected human trafficking in Machakos

Police in Machakos are holding 71 aliens for allegedly being in the country illegally.

Eastern Regional Police Commander Joseph Ole Napeiyan said the suspects were all Ethiopians.

Napeiyan said the 38 male adults and 33 male juveniles were arrested after they were found loitering at Magorofani area off Mwananchi Road in Syokimau, Athi River East subcounty on Saturday.

The incident was reported to Syokimau police station as arrest of aliens suspects of human trafficking at 6.10pm Saturday.

He said police responded to intelligence information from members of the public leading to the arrests.

“It was reported by members of the public that there was a number of suspected foreigners at Magorofani area off Mwananchi Road in Syokimau. Police responded to the scene and established that a total of 71 Ethiopian nationals comprising of 38 male adults and 33 male juveniles found loitering within the said area,” Napeiyan told the Star by phone shortly after the arrests.

Napeiyan said all the suspects appeared hungry and exhausted.

“It’s believed that they were unlawfully confined in a residential house whose owner is yet to be established,” Napeiyan said.

He said the suspects escaped from the house after they broke the main door and window pales.

They have all been detained at Mavoko SNP police station pending interrogation, investigations and subsequently being arraigned in court on Monday, August 28th, 2023.